
Hi there blog...and lovely blog friends :-)
I have tried to get back here so many times but life just got busy and busier.
And even now, while I would like to sit and have a blog catch up, I'm soon
out the door again to have lunch with my has started full time work
now that her four babies are all at school, and the other is leaving me here (sob sob) while she goes
on a roadtrip to queensland for two weeks.  We've also been trying to get together for a long time.
life really just gets crazy all at once.
I totally bombed out of the KCWC mid week.....that began with my overlocker breaking needles and
becoming unthreaded. BUT KCWC was pretty awesome wasn't it. I loved the feeling of all these mummas all over the world sitting down making clothes for their kids. Its a good thing. And I love good things. And good people.
Anyway...I do have to go....stuff the fire full of wood so my house is toasty when I get home with three
kids....and it's Friday! Happy happy happy. The weekend is ours.
And even better, this weekend there's a GIANT white elephant auction we are going to. How I love to rummage through other peoples stuff. Maybe we will find some treasure :-) Maybe I was once a pirate? hehe....okay, I'm going...see you sooner rather than later.
x Manda

1 comment:

kelly said...

I'll be INstagraming you the whole way :-) ...xx I wanna go to a white elephant sale, maybe there will be another one when I get back...xx