
the night before

Last summer I grew these amazingly beautiful giant sunflowers in my garden. Like flower people they stood and danced and had this awesome presence. I have scattered their seeds hoping some may sprout this summer.

So tomorrow we go on holidays to the beach. The kids are very ..very.. excited. Even Amelie remembers our last beach holiday...she had just turned 2. She's ready to go boogie boarding ..jeepers. I'm fine with that as long as the life guard is on duty. The ocean scares me as well as soothes me. Strange it can do that.

Veda and Sindri, well their concern has been what the bedding arrangements will be in our cabin. Funny that..since they are compulsive bed makers. They make beds everywhere and for everyone and everything....from toys to bugs to people to animals.... and is all sizes from giant to miniature. So yes...I have a present wrapper and bed makers.

If I could make something right now I would make this stiff neck go away. I went to the doctor today which was totally useless. I was hoping for a miracle cure and didn't get one. So now I wish for myself a miraculously healing deep happy sleep.

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