

i made it out of bed and got two kids to school , 6 minutes late, and one girl to kindergarten 30 minutes late. the fact that the kids have missed lots of school lately...and its only 5 days until school holidays. and that it was spring celebration at kinder were the only reasons i didnt roll over in bed when my boy said its ten past eight and i sat upright..mostly asleep and swore in shock. im no party animal , sadly, anymore. it takes me a week to recover from staying up late one night. man. when did that happen?
so anyway, as you know i love amelies kindergarten. the spring festival was so very sweet. the kinder so beautifully decorated with flowers and candles and flutes and singing for spring rain.
and how could the angels ignore this calling. the rain came.
one day down, four to go. and tonight we got the phone call that veda has been waiting for. she starts horse riding lessons on saturday. how excited is she? oh my god.

1 comment:

melindatrees said...

oh vedas smile is so wide i can feel it poking me :-)