
this way

if only i could step inside my computer screen.

my brother flies to japan tonight. im so excited for him..... aahh it feels like ten years ago that i was there. it was only 3 and a bit weeks ago. sigh.

another new dress was sewn here today. the pattern was too tricky to work out without a translator.. so i improvised , a little scared because i used my favourite piece of new fabric..... i thought there was no way it was going to fit me, being a japanese pattern...and i have italian genes.... but. the easter eggs havent had such an impact yet...and it did work out . its niccce. i like dresses. with my boots. fun. the kids were tired after a fun filled crazy weekend..so they lounged around the house while i sewed.

tomorrow i think we need to get outside . . .. or just out of this house....... melbourne would be fun but i dont think i have enough energy stored up. i want to find some new nice books for the kids. its quite depressing not having a nice library nearby. actually dont get me started on the local town and its lack of goodness. huff.

the builder is coming on wednesday to see me about the renovation. all fingers crossed for some more space for our family at minimal cost and maximum beauty. for some reason i really want to paint some yellow in our house...or maybe i need a pair of yellow shoes. not need. want. i am definitely over the red phase i was going through. thank god for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so are you going to introduce the dress?